Thursday, April 26

Shamelessly stolen from the Kurt Jester's blog...
- Go to and look up 10 of your favourite movies.
- Post five (5) official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
- Have your friends guess the movie titles.
- Then tag three people
In random order...
3. Passion / / Saint
Good luck! I'm especially interested in hearing your gueses for number 4.....
Tagging: Liz, Andrea, Rachel!


lasselanta said...

Ummm... the only two I recognised were Lady in the Water and Joan of Arc. I'll let movie aficionados figure out the rest. :-)

Joi said...

good job! :)

I still want to see people's guesses for #4.

luminarumbra said...

I'm going to guess LotR, Rope, and the 1958 version of The Fly, but I totally cheated on Rope.

Joi said...

Yay, Liz guessed Rope! She gets respect point, even if she did cheat. :)

luminarumbra said...

Ha! I just found out 10 on accident! Robin Hood!

aelthwyn said...

I guess I'm really bad at this...I have no clue for any of them. or maybe it's just that the file drawer inside my braind with movie names is currently locked...Even thinking about the kinds of things you like, I can't think of any movie's that might be your favorites right now.

Marcy said...

Yeah, I decided after seeing Liz' tag things that I'm bad at this too. Meh, maybe if I thought about it more.