iPod shuffle meme: taken from the 'net
Rules: set your iPod or media player of choice to shuffle and answer each question with the song that comes up! Then repost the answers in a note of your own. No Cheating!Click on the song titles to see the lyrics.
What do your friends think about you:
And So It Goes (Billy Joel)Hmmm....interesting...I don't know that I'd mind that...but it seems like it'd be more a theme song for me, rather than others' perception of me. Oh well. I love the song anyway.
What do you dream about:
Everywhere I Go (Five Iron Frenzy) Ha! For some reason this cracks me up. I dream about a love song made popular by Amy Grant, redone as ska by FIF? Cool. On a more serious note, if you take the words to the song, and the way I always interpreted them(spiritual allegory)....hmmm. Interesting.
What's the theme song to your life:
Million Pieces (Newsboys) Again, hmmmm, interesting.
What was your high school like:Walk Through the Fire (Once More With Feeling, from the Buffy Episode)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So true!!!!!!!! Mot applicable line from the song: "These endless days are finally ending in a blaze!"
How do you feel right now: I'm Waiting For You (Michael W. Smith) Hmmm. For one thing, it's weird so many Christian songs are coming up on mine, I actually listen to very few Christian artists.
But this one....does seem to fit my thoughts lately...
When you get older your life will be:
Listen to Your Heart--dance mix (DHT)Well, that doesn't exactly bode well for my love life, does it?
Your angry song is:
No Rain (Blind Melon)
WTH???? I love the song, but...angry? I knew my emotions were all screwed up but this is ridiculous! :)
Your love song is:I Lost On Jeopardy (Weird Al) Yep. I'm completely screwed up. :P
Your happy song is:Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard (Paul Simon)I'm really getting worried now..... *whimpers in corner*
How you feel about your boyfriend/ girlfriend:
Rock Around the Clock (Bill Hawley and the Smoots--500 respect points for the reference)
I don't even HAVE a boyfriend, but if I did, I would hope we would want to rock around the clock to some good Oldies.
What your bf/gf [husband] thinks about you:
The Dark Night of the Soul (Loreena McKennitt)Hmmm......Again, given my thoughts these past few months, this is...interesting.
What your style says about you:
Go and Sin No More (Rebecca St. James)
Um................................No comment.
How is your love life:
Summer Nights (Grease soundtrack)
My music lies! It lies! *smashes Yahoo music player*
Seriously though, that was funny...now to pass it on!
Tagging: Liz, Anne, Andrea, Marcy, and Miriam! Please post a comment on my blog when you've responded.