Tuesday, February 20


Today I was paging through the archives at http://holywhapping.blogspot.com, a very funny and insightful blog, when I ran across...


Them referencing a Quizilla quiz that I made.

*cue Twilight Zone music*
Boy did I fool THEM!

You Are Incredibly Logical

Move over Spock - you're the new master of logic
You think rationally, clearly, and quickly.
A seasoned problem solver, your mind is like a computer!
Lent is almost upon us, and you can smell the anticipation in the air. Oh, no, sorry, that's not anticipation, it's just pancakes.

I don't know if anybody else ever looks forward to Lent, but I do. Sure, the novelty wears off by the second week of it, and it's difficult and uncomfortable. But it's also a nice quiet time, a time of resting and preparing, of thinking and praying. It's nice to be coerced into being quiet and simple for a few weeks. We all benefit from it, even if we don't like it.

So, go to confession tonight, eat some pancakes, and get ready to fast!

Monday, February 19

I can't believe this.

In my effort to eat more healthy stuff, I've been shopping at Trader Joe's lately. Their stuff is better, cheaper, and tastier than it's grocery store counterparts.

So today, I brought hummus and pita to work with me. As a snack. And I'm enjoying it. This is disturbing.

At least I still hate soy.