Thursday, February 15

Shamelessly stolen from:

[A is for apparitions - your favorite]: Medjugorje

[B is for Bible - the one you read most often]: NASB, but I have a severe weakness for the Vulgate. Everything sounds better in Latin.

[C is for Charism - the one you would most like to have]: discernment

[D is for Doctor of the Church - your favorite]: Therese of Lisieux!

[E is for Essential Prayer - What’s yours?]: The Jesus Prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me, a sinner."

[F is for Favorite Hymn]: St. Patrick's Breastplate, and Nearer My God To Thee

[G is for Gospel - your favorite author?]: John

[H is for Holy Communion - How would you describe it, using one word?]: Consummation

[I is for Inspiration - When do you feel most inspired by God?]: When I'm doing anything artistic

[J is for Jesus - When did you first meet Him?]: Hmmmm.....don't remember. I got saved when I was about 9, but that certainly wasn't my first encounter.

[K is for Kindness - Which saint or person has most inspired you by their kindness?]: Mother Teresa

[L is for liturgical year - your favorite time in the liturgical cycle?]: Holy Week

[M is for Mary, the Mother of God - Your favorite term of endearment for her]: Mother of Sorrows, and Stella Maris

[N is for New Testament - Your favorite passage]: The part about "to him who overcomes, i will give some of the holy manna, and a white stone with a new name." From Revelations.

[O is for Old Testament - Your favorite Book here]: Job.

[P is for Psalms - your favorite]: 116 "Blessed in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His holy ones."

[Q is for quote - saint quote]: "Sufferings gladly borne for others convert more people than sermons.” Therese of Lisieux (Also, her delightfully childlike "I choose them all!")

[R is for rosary - your favorite mysteries]: The Sorrowful

[S is for Saint - the one you turn to in time of need - not including the Blessed Virgin Mary]: Therese of Lisieux. She gave me a flower once!

[T is for Tradition - your favorite Catholic tradition]: Hmmmmmm.....Not actually being Catholic (Anglo-Catholic Anglican), I'm not sure, but within my own tradition I'd say the colors associated with the different seasons of the ecclesiastical year.

[U is for university - Which Catholic University have you attended or are currently attending?]: None: not actually Catholic! *sheepish*

[V is for Virtue - the one you wish you had]: moderation

[W is for Way of the Cross - Which station can you most relate to?]: Veronica Wipes Jesus' Face

[X is for Xaverian Brothers - Do you know who they are?]: nope

[Y is for your favorite Catholic musician]: Caedmon!

[Z is for Zeal for the faith]: amen!

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